Children’s Ministry

Children are so important to us here at Northport Methodist. We believe in nurturing them in a life of faith complete with a balance of play, worship, and bible study.

Our staff and volunteers undergo a training in our Ministry Safe Policy Program including an extensive national and state background check. Leaders speak with each parent or guardian each week to stay up to date on important medical and allergy info, pick up/drop off info, and how we contact parents/guardians should a need arise.  

Sunday School

Children in Kindergarten through 5th grades meet for Sunday School at 9am on the 2nd Floor of the Educational Building. We currently use 252 Kids Curriculum, by Orange. The Orange Strategy aligns leaders and parents to create community around a timeless message that mobilizes the next generation to love God and serve others.

Check out our August 2024 Info and weekly themes.

Sunday Worship Service

Our children also have the opportunity to service as acolytes, crucifers, and by offering special music as part of the worship service periodically throughout the year.

Mid- Week

Let’s face it - week nights are HECTIC between ball practice, dance, choir school, taekwondo, tutoring, homework, and so-much-more. We know that families are pulled in a million directions, and often miss mealtime togetherness.

On Wednesday nights, our church offers an opportunity for families to sit down together, as a family, and gather with other families and friends for a delicious, home-cooked meal, short devotional, and occasional game. It’s a highlight of the week.

Make it stand out.

Children’s Worship

Worship happens in many ways. As adults, we’re often more reserved, but for our kids, they often love to worship through music, dancing, singing, jumping, and play. Fundamentals, and learning how to behave in a regular worship service are important, so all of our children from Kindergarten up begin in “Big Church” with their families each week, but mid-way through the service, our K-3rd graders are dismissed mid-way through the service to head with a Children’s Ministry leader to the children’s area for “Children’s Worship”.

During children’s worship, we rotate weekly among arts and crafts, singing and dancing, creative play, science experiments and object lessons and more.

Communion is offered in the Sanctuary service (only)on the 1st Sunday of the month.

Kids Praise is our Children’s Choir and Music Program, led by our Church Choir director and assisted by our college students. Each week, kids in K-5th grades meet for an afternoon of devotion, games, snack supper, and music, with the semester culminating in a special Musical performance.

Kids Praise is open to all kids in K-5th grades. Check back soon for information on the next session of Kids Praise.