Keeping Christ and the community of Northport FIRST.

A place to connect with Christ and one another, where everyone is welcome.

Grace, Hope, Love…it’s just that simple. At NMC we truly mean it. Through Christ giving us grace freely, we do our best to extend it to others. Through our church that was established over 150 years ago, we still offer hope in Jesus for today and our future through relevant worship and opportunities to deepen our walk, spiritually. We love one another, no matter who you are, because God first loved us. Come join us in worship or mid week activities and experience His Grace, hope, and love with us!

Ministry Opportunities

We’re not just an historic building with stained glass windows. We are working daily to be the hands and feet of Jesus to our community by Loving God and others, and Serving God and others.

We have several ministry opportunities with which to get involved, including Sunday school and worship, men’s ministry, women’s ministry, children’s ministry (including children’s choir and drama), choir, mid-week bible study, supporting local organizations through missions, domestic and international mission trips, mid-week meal and fellowship, supporting the Shelton State Women’s Basketball team, and more.

Family Life Events

We believe fellowship among the body of Christ is important and essential to growth as individual believers and as a church body as a whole. Whether it’s Small Group Bible Study, Wednesday night meals, or Themed Events, we enjoy plenty of opportunities to grow together while having fun.

Our Team

Our church leadership is comprised of both Volunteer and Staff leadership. Everyone is called to make a different, and that happens in all areas of our church, both within the walls of the building and beyond. From our Unified Leadership Board to Volunteer Ministry Leaders, and from our Senior Pastor to the nursery caregivers, everyone has an important role within the church.

“Grace, Hope, Love…It’s just that simple.”



Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(205) 758-4703